

Biblica® Bhaibheri Dzvene Rakasununguka MuChiShona Chanhasi 2017

Shona Bible: Biblica® Bhaibheri Dzvene Rakasununguka MuChiShona Chanhasi 2017

Language: [sna]chiShonachiShona
Title:Biblica® Bhaibheri Dzvene Rakasununguka MuChiShona Chanhasi 2017Shona Bible: Biblica® Bhaibheri Dzvene Rakasununguka MuChiShona Chanhasi 2017
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Copyright © 2017 Biblica, Inc.
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The Holy Bible in the Shona language of Zimbabwe: Biblica® Bhaibheri Dzvene Rakasununguka MuChiShona Chanhasi 2017

Pakutanga Mwari akasika matenga nenyika.

—Genesis 1:1

Pisarema raDhavhidhi. Jehovha ndiye mufudzi wangu, hapana chandingashayiwa.

—Psalm 23:1

Asi tangai kutsvaka umambo hwake nokururama kwake, uye zvinhu zvose izvi zvichapiwawo kwamuri.

—Matthew 6:33

“Nokuti Mwari akada nyika nokudaro, kuti akapa Mwanakomana wake mumwe oga, kuti ani naani anotenda kwaari arege kufa asi ave noupenyu husingaperi.

—John 3:16

Uye tinoziva kuti muzvinhu zvose Mwari anoita kuti zviitire zvakanaka kuna avo vanomuda, vaya vakadanwa sezvaakafunga.

—Romans 8:28

Biblica® Bhaibheri Dzvene Rakasununguka MuChiShona Chanhasi 2017

The Holy Bible in the Shona language of Zimbabwe: Biblica® Bhaibheri Dzvene Rakasununguka MuChiShona Chanhasi 2017

copyright © 2017 Biblica, Inc.
Language: chiShona
Contributor: Biblica, Inc.

Biblica® Bhaibheri Dzvene Rakasununguka MuChiShona Chanhasi™

Kopakodzero © 2005, 2018 ne Biblica, Inc.

Biblica® Open Shona Contemporary Bible™

Copyright © 2005, 2018 by Biblica, Inc.

“Biblica” chiratidzo chekutengeserana chakanyoreswa mu United States uye chiratidzo chehofisi yeBiblica, Inc. Inoshandiswa zviripamutemo.

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Biblica® Bhaibheri Dzvene Rakasununguka MuChiShona Chanhasi™

Kopakodzero © 2005, 2018 ne Biblica, Inc.

Biblica® Open Shona Contemporary Bible™

Copyright © 2005, 2018 by Biblica, Inc.

“Biblica” chiratidzo chekutengeserana chakanyoreswa mu United States uye chiratidzo chehofisi yeBiblica, Inc. Inoshandiswa zviripamutemo.

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Biblica® Bhaibheri Dzvene Rakasununguka MuChiShona Chanhasi™

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Biblica® Open Shona Contemporary Bible™

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Last updated 2023-04-14