Haiola project statistics as of Thu, 19 Sep 2024 04:06:04 GMT UTC 895 languages with freely redistributable translations 975 dialects with freely redistributable translations 1109 freely redistributable translations 59 freely redistributable translations with audio 727 certified translations 251 limited-sharing translations 1117 total languages 1202 total dialects 1360 total public translations 8 subset projects 1420 projects 1363 primary distribution URLs 5 master sites 0 open access translations converted from Paratext projects 374 open access translations converted from USFM 43 open access translations converted from USFX 529 open access translations converted from USX (DBL bundles) 0 restricted translations converted from Paratext projects 8 restricted translations converted from USFM 2 restricted translations converted from USFX 234 restricted translations converted from USX (DBL bundles) Translations by site: 1 translations at inscript.org 9 translations at eBible.org 290 translations at png.bible 1060 translations at ebible.org 3 translations at alkitab.pw Languages with multiple translations: 2 translations in zpi 3 translations in ukr 2 translations in bcc 2 translations in xbi 2 translations in cuk 7 translations in cak 2 translations in tbg 3 translations in gmv 3 translations in mal 9 translations in spa 2 translations in cmo 2 translations in mgh 2 translations in tuc 3 translations in ben 2 translations in tpi 2 translations in ttq 2 translations in ulk 2 translations in khm 2 translations in noa 2 translations in aoj 2 translations in tel 5 translations in deu 3 translations in twi 2 translations in amn 3 translations in ind 2 translations in byr 2 translations in kqe 2 translations in mdm 2 translations in dhg 2 translations in yss 2 translations in mam 4 translations in fra 2 translations in nhe 2 translations in rmc 2 translations in gux 3 translations in omw 3 translations in hin 6 translations in rmy 3 translations in gup 2 translations in hau 2 translations in heb 3 translations in acr 2 translations in bel 2 translations in npi 2 translations in tiw 2 translations in lif 3 translations in ubu 4 translations in nld 2 translations in knv 5 translations in por 5 translations in ron 2 translations in mya 3 translations in gof 2 translations in ixl 2 translations in ita 2 translations in bbr 2 translations in boj 3 translations in cop 5 translations in tzo 3 translations in kan 6 translations in cmn 53 translations in eng 2 translations in car 2 translations in mbd 3 translations in syl 2 translations in dwr 2 translations in guj 2 translations in pes 2 translations in tte 2 translations in fuh 2 translations in hat 2 translations in big 2 translations in rwo 2 translations in abt 2 translations in hus 2 translations in kmh 2 translations in kud 2 translations in snp 4 translations in urd 3 translations in ctu 3 translations in ces 2 translations in msy 2 translations in sus 3 translations in arb 3 translations in tam 2 translations in wed 2 translations in bod 2 translations in ino 3 translations in hlt 2 translations in wol 2 translations in okv 3 translations in vie 3 translations in swh 2 translations in buk 2 translations in tzj 2 translations in tha 2 translations in pol 2 translations in hbo 3 translations in gfk 4 translations in pon 2 translations in ape 3 translations in quc 2 translations in kyu 2 translations in mge 9 translations in grc 22 translations in san 4 translations in uig Dialects with multiple translations: 4 translations in porBrasil 2 translations in zpi 3 translations in ukr 2 translations in bcc 5 translations in grcKoine 3 translations in mal 2 translations in cmo 2 translations in mgh 2 translations in tpi 3 translations in ben 3 translations in gmv 2 translations in acrRabinal 2 translations in khm 2 translations in tel 4 translations in urd 9 translations in engarchaic British 3 translations in ind 3 translations in cmnMandarin, simplified script 2 translations in mdm 2 translations in twiAsante 2 translations in hboBiblical/Ancient 4 translations in fra 2 translations in rmc 3 translations in hin 2 translations in gup 2 translations in engArchaic 2 translations in bel 2 translations in qucCantel 2 translations in npi 5 translations in deu 2 translations in lif 4 translations in nld 2 translations in msy 2 translations in hau 2 translations in ron 2 translations in mya 3 translations in gof 2 translations in wolRegional Wolof 2 translations in bbr 2 translations in boj 3 translations in engBritish 3 translations in kan 2 translations in cmnMandarin, traditional script 10 translations in eng 2 translations in car 17 translations in engAmerican 2 translations in mbd 3 translations in syl 2 translations in dwr 2 translations in guj 2 translations in hus 2 translations in pes 2 translations in cuk 2 translations in hat 2 translations in engarchaic American 2 translations in big 4 translations in spa 2 translations in ita 2 translations in kud 2 translations in ctu 3 translations in ces 2 translations in sus 3 translations in tam 2 translations in tteTubetube 2 translations in ino 2 translations in hlt 2 translations in ttq 3 translations in vie 2 translations in swh 2 translations in buk 2 translations in nheHuasteca Oriental 2 translations in tha 2 translations in pol 2 translations in engArchaic American 4 translations in pon 2 translations in kyu 2 translations in mge 3 translations in grc 2 translations in ulk 22 translations in san 4 translations in uig Copyright ownership: 1 © ABT 1 © Michael Paul Johnson 4 © TLF 1 © Believers' Bible Society, Inc. 35 © TWFTW 1 © Det Danske Bibelselskab 1 © The Lockman Foundation 1 © Wycliffe Bible Translators of Canada, Inc. 1 © Pioneer Bible Translators 2 © The Worldwide Bible Society Limited 1 © Fundacja Wrota Nadziei 1 © Iglesia Bautista Bíblica de la Gracia 1 © Philip Pope 1 © Tyndale Bible Translators 1 © Sdruzeni pro Novou Bibli kralickou 2 © BLI 1 © Wyclif e Bijbelvertalers Nederland 1 © gilakmedia.com 1 © Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. and ACOTBA-SUBO 1 © IBT-F 1 © Jantinus Daling 1 © Albata 1 © IBT-R 1 © PK 2 © John the Forerunner Church 1 © LBT 1 © PNGBS 1 © Fraternité de Tibériade 1 © Dr. Humberto Gómez Caballero 1 © Rev. Dr. Allen Harry Hall and Jollen Press 1 © Asociacion Biblica Latinoamericana 12 © UBB 1 © TWFTW-INT 1 © 1 © HPBM 1 © LAI 1 © Mokilese Bible Translation Committee 11 © Bible Society of Australia 1 © SCO 1 © PNG Bible Translation Association 4 © Mukeddes Kalam - Uyghur Bible Translation Committee 1 © God’s Word Mission Society 2 © BSSP 1 © Biblia ba Ema Hotu 1 © Robert Adam Boyd 1 © Diego Santos, Mario Sérgio, e Marco Teles 2 © TBL 1 © Wilbur N. Pickering 1 © NBTT 3 © Urdu Geo Version 1 © J Warren Wells 1 © BSE 2 © GBT 1 © F&S + SMA 1 © Genfer Bibelgeschellschaft 3 © anonymous 1 © Sociedad Bíblica de Guatemala 1 © Steve Lellelid 2 © La MBS 1 © Covenant Press 1 © BJU 1 © BFP 1 © Dr. Paul W. Esposito 1 © Wycliffe Bible Translators, inc. 221 © Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. 1 © Royal Jongbloed 1 © İsmail Serinken and eBible.org 1 © YLSA-AYT 10 © Door43 1 © Batupuei Christian Fellowship 1 © WBT and BSPNG 22 © SB 2 © Wycliffe Switzerland 2 © UBS 98 Public Domain 3 © Lockman Foundation 1 © Wycliffe Netherlands Bible Translators 2 © LBTA 1 © The Bible Society of Botswana 1 © Wycliffe Bible Translators. Inc. 1 © New Thai Version Foundation 3 © Bible Society Australia 3 © BSA 610 © WBT 1 © Pioneer 2 © Bible Society in Cambodia 1 © Bible Society of Australia + Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. 1 © Müqəddəs Kitab Sirkəti 36 © Biblica 3 © PNGBTA 1 © VCG 1 © Ron Smith 1 © TFBF 1 © Bible Society of Papua New Guinea 1 © AudioBiblia.org 1 © Tom Hoey 1 © SKB 1 © The Kapingamarangi Bible translation committee 1 © Liebenzel Mission 1 © Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. and The Malê people 1 © Dr. Jonathan Gallagher 2 © Free Bible Ministry 1 © Thomas Robinson 1 © NTB 1 © Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM, PhD 2 © Ellis W. Deibler, Jr. 2 © Pioneers 2 © Bible Society of Micronesia 2 © Terry Noble 1 © MERN 3 © CAN 2 © BibleLeague 1 © ETLT 1 © Pengamat Kitab Mulia 1 © WBT USA and EBT 1 © Siyin KJV Bible Team 1 © Фонди «Калом» 1 © The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea in cooperation with Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. 11 © WBTC 1 © Biblical Studies Press, L. L. C. 1 © Door43 Worldwide Mission Community 1 © Chongthu Bible Translation Team 1 © Jonathan Gallagher y Shelly Barrios de Avila 1 © Tim Penterjemah Bahasa Nggem 32 © PBT 1 © Society of Biblical Literature and Logos Bible Software 52 © BSPNG 2 © WBTA 1 © Jonathan Gallagher 1 © Translation Committee of Takuu, Mortlock Community 9 © Door43 World Missions Community 1 © Door43 World Mission Community 1 © The Plain English Project 14 © SIM 1 © Door 43 International Mission Community 22 © Wycliffe Bible Translators 13 © BCS 1 © Batupei Christian Fellowtship 1368 projects with hot links converted OK 0 projects with hot link conversion bypassed