This is a log of recent changes in the files in Abbreviations refer to translation IDs, which start with the 3-letter language code. For more information about a translation from its translation ID, please append its translation ID to the following URL: For example, gives details for the World English Bible. 2012-12-14 Corrected issues in ian & kmu 2012-12-15 Corrected issues in kue, kze, kpr, kpx, kpw 2012-12-16 Updated eng-web* 2 Chronicles thru chapter 7. (*=includes eng-webbe, eng-webme, and eng-webbme) 2012-12-17 Updated eng-web* 2 Chr 8. Corrected glottal stop error in kmu. 2012-12-18 Markup correction on titles in kue. 2012-12-20 Corrected some punctuation typos in eng-asv. Updated yle audio. 2012-12-23 Corrected one typo in eng-asv Isaiah. 2012-12-25 Corrected typo in eng-asv Isaiah 50 content->contend. Started distributing Modified OSIS files in, but those files still lack tags. 2012-12-26 World English Bible language updates 2 Chr 9 + added \toc# tags. 2012-12-27 World English Bible language updates 2 Chr 10-20. Changed short name of "The Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirch, or Ecclesiasticus" to "Sirach". 2012-12-28 World English Bible language updates 2 Chr 21-28. Substituted burnt->burned in American English, except for "burnt offering", because (oddly enough) nobody writes "burned offering". Kept "burnt" in British English. 2012-12-29 World English Bible language updates 2 Chr 29-30. 2012-12-30 World English Bible language updates 2 Chr 31-33:5. 2013-01-02 Updated USFX documentation at World English Bible language updates 2 Chr 33-36. Added 2 Chr to eng-webuk. Corrected 2 typos in eng-asv Jeremiah. 2013-01-04 World English Bible language updates in Ezra. Regenerated USFX files and generated MOSIS files with new version of Haiola. This version still lacks reference tags, but corrects an error in verse end tag placement. It also deals more gracefully with missing \h header when \toc2 short title is given. Added some missing paragraph markers to the old Revised Version Apocrypha. Adjusted front matter on ghs. Corrected footnote markup error in 2 Kings 15:19 of meu. Corrected markup errors and text encoding errors in aau. Corrected an aon markup issue. 2013-01-05 World English Bible language updates in Nehemiah and called that book done. Added Nehemiah to web-uk. Corrected typo in ASV Jeremiah 37:10 yea->yet. Restored ~ character to Naasioi. Corrected book name problem in abt-Maprik. Corrected aoj titles. Corrected 2 hui Apocrypha book names. Corrected kmg titles. Corrected kpf titles. Corrected aai titles and some glossary markup. Corrected mva titles. Corrected aon preface title. Corrected ata peripheral titles. 2013-01-08 Corrected pma titles and character encoding for quotation marks and em dashes. Added \toc# tags to abt-wosera, aby, aey, agd, agg, akh, amm, amn-amanab, aoj, ghs, tpz, bnp. Fixed \rq markers in tpz. 2013-01-09 Corrected character encoding in mmx Psalms and markup error for in-line cross references in mmx NT. Added \toc# tags and corrected some punctuation spacing issues in kmo. Added \toc# tags and corrected a few footnotes in kto. 2013-01-10 kup: \toc# tags added, mistagged callers removed. yuj: \toc# tags added, cross reference tags corrected, extra spaces between ’ and rá removed. 2013-01-11 leu: \toc# tags added, inline quote markup corrected, and emdash encoding corrected in 4 places. 2013-01-12 eng-web*: quotation mark addition in Jeremiah 9-10. 2013-01-15 eng-web*: quotation mark addition in Jeremiah 11-14. eng-kjv: added \toc# tags and cleaned up some markup and spacing. eng-asv: added \toc# tags, cleaned up some markup, and corrected some OT typos. eng-web*: quotation mark addition in Jeremiah 15-20 2013-01-17 eng-web*: quotation mark addition in Jeremiah 21 nca: markup error corrections (\fig format, \c mislocations, some use of \k where \fk needed, some quotation marks pointing the wrong way) gam: new 2013-01-20 kyc: new 2013-01-23 yuj: added \toc# tags. eng-ASV: typo corrections, mostly in Joshua eng-web*: typo corrections and quotation marks in Jeremiah 22 byx: added Ruth; markup cleanup 2013-01-24: eng-web*: quotation marks in Jeremiah 23; accuracy improvement in 1 Cor. 11 roo: book name corrections, removed nonstandard mislocated cross reference markup, other markup corrections kyc: markup corrections 2013-01-28: eng-web*: quotation marks in Jeremiah 24-26. kkc: new bco: new 2013-01-30: ded: audio added to copyright information. 2013-02-01: mpp: added Ephesians and Philippians. emi: added GAL, PHP, COL, 1TI, TIT, PHM, JAM, JUD. wos: new 2013-02-02: wos: added JON. 2013-02-03: eng-asv: scattered typo corrections, conforming to printed edition eng-web*: a few corrections from the ASV also applied to the WEB. 2013-02-04: eng-asv: more typo corrections, conforming to printed edition. eng-web*: a few corrections from the ASV. 2013-02-05: eng-asv: more corrections to conform to printed edition, generally undoing some inadvertent modernization of the English and rolling back to 1901. gam: added 5 NT books. 2013-02-06: kud: corrected copyright notice, added \toc# tags. mlp: added \toc# tags. dah: added \toc# tags. mox: corrected copyright notice, added \toc# tags. eng-web*: quotation mark addition in Jeremiah 27-29. 2013-02-08: byr: added \toc# tags, corrected some verse markup mhl: \toc# tags rwo-karo: \toc# tags, corrected copyright notice kmh-m: \toc# tags gaw: \toc# tags ssd: \toc# tags uvl: \toc# tags rai: \toc# tags sps: \toc# tags and \rq ...\rq* tags nca: moved missing verse footnotes to the missing verses. xsi: \toc# tags, corrected copyright notice 2013-02-12: eng-asv: typo corrections in Mat 7:25; 1 Sam eng-web: numbered->counted; Jer 30 quotation marks 2013-02-14: sps: some tag corrections 2013-03-08: pon: added Psalms 2013-03-13: gam: added 1CO, 2CO, COL, GAL, LUK, PHP. 2013-05-02: caa Old Testament portions and nbq New Testament portions: new 2013-05-15: eng-rv: added \toc# tags and corrected a few typos. 2013-05-16: sbe: new; added sbe ACT. Updated nbq. 2013-05-17: zia: updated metadata, corrected a few typos, and added \toc# markers. 2013-05-18: Updated eng-asv, eng-web*, and eng-rv. 2013-05-20: nbq: minor update. 2013-05-21: minor updates to eng-kjv, eng-asv, eng-rv, and eng-web*. 2013-05-29: tpi: new. 2013-06-02: eng-web*: minor updates 2013-06-25: Regenerated all USFX and MOSIS files after correcting a bug in Haiola. Twice. One capitalization correction in eng-web* Proverbs. 2013-07-08: Minor corrections to eng-asv, eng-kjv (support for stacked styles, like \wj ... \+add ...\+add*\wj*), eng-rv, eng-Brenton, eng-lxx2012, eng-web*; css change for caa. 2013-07-11: One typo correction to Brenton and LXX2012; updates to WEB* (mostly in Jeremiah 31); corrected encoding of tpi 2013-07-14: Markup corrections to tpi. More formatting in Jeremiah in WEB*. 2013-07-16: Regenerated all OSIS modules with a little better formatting for Sword Project input. 2013-07-20: Added NT to caa. Updated aoj (cross reference placement). Regenerated auy with title adjustment in appendix. 2013-07-23: Added dad. 2013-08-08: Updated eng-T4T and eng-web*. 2013-08-10: Added Genesis and Exodus to bjr. Typo corrections in eng-kjv, eng-Brenton, eng-lxx2012, eng-uk-lxx2012, and eng-web*. 2013-08-12: Added klv and tnk. 2013-08-15: Minor corrections to eng-web* in Exodus (tables -> tablets). The ASV still has the commandments written on "tables" as per the printed edition. 2013-08-18: Updated auy, buk with markup corrections. 2013-08-19: Fixed tables in eng-t4t; poetry/prose markup added to Jeremiah in eng-web*; corrected Jonah book name in lcm; corrected references in mti; corrections in nop 2013-08-20: Updated swp references. More edits in Jeremiah in eng-web*. Updated msy. 2013-08-21: Updated tbg, tvk 2013-08-22: Updated xbi-w, xbi-y 2013-08-25: Updated eng-web* 2013-08-26: Updated eng-web* 2013-08-28: Updated eng-web* 2013-08-29: Rebuilt all to include updated locale*.conf in osis .zip files for Sword conversion and to add language identifiers to all tags. Updated eng-web* Jeremiah. 2013-08-30: Updated eng-web* 2013-09-02: Updated eng-web* 2013-09-20: Updated mpp 2013-09-21: Updated eng-asv with typo corrections in Proverbs. 2013-09-22: Updated eng-web* 2013-09-24: Updated eng-web* (footnotes in Apocrypha) and tpi (very minor typo corrections in peripheral material) 2013-10-01: Updated eng-web* (Ezekiel and some footnotes) and tpi (some cross references) 2013-10-02: Updated iou 2013-10-04: Updated ssx markup in 1 John affecting MOSIS output. Updated eng-web*, mostly in Ezekiel. 2013-10-06: Updated eng-web* (Ezekiel) 2013-10-14: Updated gdr, added yal. 2013-10-15: Updated ssg, ssx. 2013-10-16: Updated msy. All USFX and MOSIS files should now have ref/reference tags in them. 2013-11-05: Updated eng-asv, eng-web* (small tweaks to punctuation and paragraphing in Isaiah) 2013-11-06: Updated eng-kjv (one misplaced \wj marker moved) 2013-11-12: Updated eng-asv (Isaiah) and eng-web* (Isaiah and Ezekiel) 2013-11-13: Updated eng-web* (Daniel 1-6 quotaton marks). Updated pon, pon2006a, and pon2006z. 2013-11-17: Updated eng-web* Finished quotaton marks; shall/will substitutions in Jeremiah and Lamentations. Updated pon. 2013-11-22: Updated pon, pon-pdn. Updated eng-web* (Ezekiel) 2013-11-24: Updated OSIS and USFX for knv-fly_river and mpp. Updated USFX format for all to remove the redundant long style names and to change markup for footnote paragraph boundaries to a milestone. Updated eng-web*. 2013-11-29: Updated eng-web* (Jeremiah through chapter 15) 2013-11-30: Regenerated HTML with Book titles and introductions before chapter numbers. 2013-12-01: Updated eng-web* (Jeremiah through chapter 21) 2013-12-02: Updated emi. 2013-12-05: Updated eng-web* (Jeremiah through chapter 26) 2013-12-11: Updated eng-web* (Jeremiah through chapter 30). Updated copyright information for gam, ipi, awb, hui, msy, ded, kue, kyc, mpx, mox, emi, nas, yle, sbe, tbc, tpi. 2013-12-13: Added spaRV1909. Updated eng-web* Jeremiah 31. 2013-12-20: Updated eng-web* Jeremiah 32. 2013-12-24: Updated eng-web* Jeremiah 33-34. 2014-01-02: Updated eng-web* Jeremiah 36-52 + scattered small edits. 2014-01-03: Updated eng-web* Lamentations. 2014-01-05: Updated eng-web* Ezekiel through 22. 2014-01-06: Updated eng-web* Ezekiel through 35. Updated eng-kjv, eng-kjv2006 2014-01-07: Updated eng-web*. 2014-01-08: Updated eng-web* Ezekiel and Daniel. 2014-01-13: Updated eng-web and yuw. 2014-01-14: Updated eng-web* scattered typo corrections. Normalized some translation identifiers. 2014-01-26: Added tlk. Updated eng-web*. 2014-02-03: Updated eng-web* 2014-02-24: Updated eng-web*, eng-Brenton, eng-lxx2012, eng-uk-lxx2012. 2014-03-06: Added arb-vd. Updated eng-web*, eng-Brenton, eng-lxx2012, eng-uk-lxx2012. Regenerated all HTML files in a more compact format. 2014-03-13: Regenerated all HTML files with improved formatting. 2014-03-17: Updated eng-web*, eng-Brenton, eng-lxx2012, eng-uk-lxx2012, eng-asv. (Typo corrections and adding footnotes.) 2014-03-25: Updated eng-web*, eng-Brenton, eng-lxx2012, and eng-uk-lxx2012. Added 3 books to kqc. 2014-04-01: Added Gilaki John (glk) and San Blas Kuna (cuk). 2014-04-13: Added Tongan Revised West Version (ton) and drafts of kos and yap. Updated avt. 2014-04-14: Updated eng-web*, eng-Brenton, eng-kjv. 2014-04-26: Uploaded many new projects, which I'm not going to list, here. See translations.csv for details. There are now 382 freely-sharable Bible translations (including portions) here. 2014-04-28: Updated eng-kjv, eng-asv, eng-web*. Added jvnNT, qucNNT, qucTNT, urbNT, kbcNT, kgpNT, kgkNT, cakCNT, cakNT, cak, cakENT, cakSNT, cakYNT, kpjNT, cbsNT, kyzNT, txuNT, kenNT, kjeNT. 2014-05-05: Updated eng-web*. Added many new projects. 2014-05-08: Updated eng-asv. 2014-05-11: Updated eng-web*, mostly in Esther (Greek). 2014-05-16: Updated eng-asv John, eng-web*. Updated HTML format. Added inScript .zip files. 2014-06-01: Updated eng-asv, eng-web*. 2014-06-05: Updated kqf. 2014-06-09: Updated eng-asv, eng-kjv, eng-web*. 2014-06-17: Updated eng-asv, eng-kjv, eng-web*. 2014-06-19: Updated nca. 2014-06-23: Added apr. 2014-06-25: Updated eng-asv, tbo. 2014-07-01: Updated metadata in eng-kjv, eng-kjv2006, fra_fob. 2014-07-18: Added mbjNT. Regenerated all to include cover image where available. Minor correction to eng-web*. 2014-07-24: Updated eng-asv, eng-web*. 2014-07-28: Updated gam. 2014-08-03: Regenerated all files with changes to inscript format. 2014-08-04: Updated eng-web*, eng-rv, eng-Brenton, eng-uk-lxx2012, eng-lxx2012. 2014-08-05: Updated eng-kjv, eng-kjv2006. 2014-08-07: Regenerated all to correct a minor formatting issue in inScript format. Added abx, agn, aii, att, bgs, bkd, blw, bpr, bzj, cbk, cbv, cgc, clu, cwe, ebk, geb, guh, gun, gvc, hto, inb, kbh, kwi, mca, myu, myy, noaE, noaH, poy, qub, ruf, sri, sus, tav, taw, tnc, tue, tuf, and ycn. 2014-08-10: Updated eng-kjv, eng-web*. 2014-08-12: Removed nin & atg per contributing partner request. 2014-08-13: Updated eng-web*. 2014-08-16: Added lex, deu1912. Updated eng-asv and eng-web*. 2014-08-17: Updated eng-asv after finishing a major proofreading pass. Updated eng-web*. 2014-08-20: Updated eng-web*, eng-t4t. 2014-08-21: Changed ethologue code for Tangga/Fanamaket from tgg to bjp. Updated mwc. Added fraLSG. 2014-08-22: Updated Strong's markup for deu1912, fraLSG, and eng-kjv. 2014-08-24: Added latVUC. 2014-08-25: Added swh1850. 2014-08-26: Added engDBY, engBBE, dop. 2014-08-31: Updated eng-web*. 2014-09-04: Regenerated all HTML and inScript files to correct problem with blank lines (i.e. between poetic stanzas) not displaying. Added alsSHQ. 2014-09-23: Updated eng-web*. Renamend the "World English Bible: Messianic Edition" to the "World Messianic Bible". Added bqp & bus. 2014-09-28: Updated eng-web*. 2014-10-02: Updated eng-web* (2 modern grammar corrections in Acts 25, plus update of Wisdom 5). 2014-10-09: Updated mna (added 1 Timothy). 2014-10-11: Updated bqp (added Galatians), eng-kjv (one capitalization error), eng-web*. 2014-10-12: Updated eng-rv. 2014-10-13: Updated eng-web* (a few minor word order and punctuation updates). 2014-10-14: Added fue. Renamed fuhbkf inScript module from FUHBKF to FUHSIM. Updated eng-web*. 2014-10-15: Regenerated all Bible modules, correcting a hotlink problem with references to single-chapter books. 2014-10-16: Added amf. 2014-10-17: Updated tbzsim, adding several missing sections. 2014-10-26: Updated eng-web* (minor consistency changes + Wisdom 6). 2014-10-30: Markup corrections to aai. 2014-11-06: More scan correction edits to yap, pon2006a. 2014-11-10: Updated pon, pon-pdn, and eng-web*. 2014-11-18: Updated eng-rv, eng-web*. 2014-11-25: Updated eng-web*, added kwd. 2014-11-27: Added kbq. 2014-12-03: Updated eng-web*, taw, tpa, ape, avt, byx, cak, cakCNT, cakYNT, cbiNTpo, chk, and bnp. Regenerated ALL output files with improved reference link detection and USFX schema conformance for the USFX versions. 2014-12-04: Updated cmn2006, hin2010, and cpuNT. 2014-12-07: Updated eng-Brenton, eng-rv, and engamp. 2014-12-08: Updated kde and eng-web*. 2014-12-09: Updated kpg, kpr, leu, mbb, and eng-web*. 2014-12-10: Updated meu, mkn, and mox. 2014-12-11: Updated mvn, hui, kpr, and sgz. 2014-12-12: Updated swp, pma, tnk, and lbb. 2014-12-14: Updated eng-web*. 2014-12-21: Updated eng-web*. Rebuilt HTML & inScript modules. 2014-12-23: Updated eng-web*, acuNT, and baoNT. 2014-12-26: Normalized all USFM files to have explicit level 1 markup where appropriate, i.e. \s1 instead of just \s for section header level 1. Note: due to bandwidth constraints while traveling, many of the following changes will be delayed past the date indicated because it takes a LONG time to upload corrected copies to all affected web sites. Please verify the date of the file when getting updates. 2014-12-30: Minor markup corrections to most projects with language code starting with "a". Updated bco, bdd, bhl, bjp, and byr-w. 2014-12-31: Updated bzh, caa, cha, dah, ded, dgz, dob, and dww. 2015-01-01: Updated eko, eng-t4t, and etr. 2015-01-02: Updated faa, fai, for, gah, ghs, glk, gubBl, hla, hot, ian, and imo. 2015-01-03: Updated ino, iws, jae, kbm, and kgf. 2015-01-06: Updated kkc and klv. 2015-01-07: Updated kmg and kpf. 2015-01-20: Added tnp. 2015-01-28: Updated kpw, kpx, ksd, ksr, kue, kup, kwj, kyc, kyg, kze, lid, and eng-web*. 2015-02-05: Updated enq and enq2. 2015-02-19: Updated eng-rv, eng-kjv, and eng-web*. Generated epub 3 files and put them in 2015-02-11: Updated eng-web*. Regenerated epub files. 2015-03-01: Updated eng-web*. Regenerated epub files with formatting corrections. 2015-03-16: Updated eng-web*. Regenerated epub files with minor formatting refinements. Generated some .mobi files at 2015-03-18: Updated kde, eng-web*. Added bea, dgc, agt, agr, amk, sgb, bps, lbk, cya, ctu, ffm, xed, kmk, kyq, xon, kyf, cuk09, kdc, mcp, knf, mbs, msk, msb, meq, muy, wmw, plu, myk, spp, taj, tew, tiy, and vid. 2015-03-20: Added russyn. Updated metadata in enq, enq2, kbq. 2015-03-31: Updated eng-web*. 2015-04-03: Updated eng-web*. 2015-04-07: Updated ded, eng-web*. 2015-04-08: Updated eng-web*. 2015-04-16: Updated eng-web*. 2015-04-21: Updated pesTPV, eng-web*. 2015-04-24: Updated kpg (added OT, updated NT). Updated eng-web*. 2015-05-03: Added thaKJV. Updated eng-web*. 2015-05-06: Added arp. 2015-05-24: Updated eng-web*. 2015-06-16: Updated eng-asv, eng-rv, eng-Brenton, eng-web*. 2015-06-17: Added Strong's numbers to spaRV1909. 2015-07-01: Added yka. 2015-07-02: Updated eng-t4t. 2015-07-03: Updated eng-web*. 2015-07-08: Updated eng-web*. Changed the FCBH/DBS ID of some translations to conform to FCBH usage, especially those that had longer than 6 characters. 2015-07-17: Updated kpg. Rebuilt all USFM files to normalize to new Paratext check rules and to correct some problems due to a logic error recently corrected in Haiola. 2015-07-22: Updated eng-web*. 2015-08-12: Updated eng-kjv, eng-web*. 2015-08-23: Updated eng-kjv, eng-web*, eng-Brenton, eng-lxx2012, eng-uk-lxx2012. 2015-08-27: Restored swh. 2015-08-31: Removed eng-uk (a subset of eng-webbe) and eng-web-c (a subset of eng-web) to reduce confusion. 2015-09-06: Added kkl. Updated eng-kjv, eng-web*. 2015-09-15: Updated eng-kjv, fraLSG, eng-web*. 2015-10-07: Added bxh. 2015-11-02: Updated eng-kjv, eng-web*, eng-Brenton, eng-lxx2012, eng-uk-lxx2012 2015-11-06: Updated all files to include a SQL file to create a table of unformatted verse contents (no footnotes, headers, etc.). 2015-11-10: Added haw1868. 2015-12-09: Started adding * files that contain the XeTeX files used to make PDFs that are at 2015-12-27: Updated eng-kjv, eng-web*, eng-lxx2012, and eng-uk-lxx2012. 2016-01-09: Added jpn1965. Updated eng-asv. 2016-01-30: Updated kqc. 2016-02-03: Updated eng-web*. 2016-02-08: Added combination text/audio epub and Android apps for biblical Greek and Hebrew at and Updated eng-web*. 2016-03-07: Updated eng-web*, eng-rv. 2016-03-12: Updated eng-web*. Started regenerating all usfm and xsfm files. 2016-03-18: Regenerated all and files. 2016-03-22: Updated soq. 2016-03-24: Regenerated all and files again, this time with updated handling of note-specific character styles, conforming with Paratext usage. 2016-03-27: Updated eng-web*. 2016-04-01: Updated eng-web*. 2016-04-13: Added wat. 2016-04-14: Added more books to mwc. 2016-04-15: Added more books to aui and kqf. 2016-04-22: Updated eng-web*. 2016-04-28: Updated eng-t4t. 2016-04-29: Added boj2014. 2016-04-30: Updated kqw and emi. 2016-05-05: Updated eng-web*. 2016-05-06: Updated eng-t4t, eng-web*. 2016-05-12: Updated eng-web*. 2016-05-29: Updated jae, eng-web*. 2016-05-31: Updated eng-web*. 2016-06-07: Updated eng-web*. 2016-06-08: Added cac, cpy, ctucti, kne. 2016-06-15: Added apeB. Updated eng-web*. 2016-06-22: Added tzotzc and tzotze. 2016-06-25: Updated cmn-cu89s and cmn-cu89t. Regenerated all and files again with corrected handling for \+fv ...\+fv*. 2016-06-29: Added aaz, mkn, tet, nfa, bkx, beu, hvn, txq, llg, row, rgu, and tdt. Updated hegNTpo. 2016-06-30: Removed agrNT, which was a duplicate of agr. 2016-07-01: Updated eko, mgh, nyu, seh, tke, and wmw. 2016-07-06: Updated eng-web*. Rebuilt PDF, ePub, and mobi files to include some nice covers. 2016-09-05: Regenerated all. Updated mps, nii. 2016-09-06: Added tif and zpmNT. 2016-09-09: Added bel, bsp, ind, mgc, susa, and tod. 2016-09-13: Added ktm. 2016-09-14: Updated ppo, ptp. 2016-09-22: Updated eng-web*, rro, zia, yuw, aai, russyn, rwo-kara, rwo-rawa. 2016-09-28: Added nmws. 2016-10-04: Added engourb. Updated bhl. 2016-11-07: Updated wsk. 2016-11-11: Deprecated and removed xsfm format. Regenerated usfm files to remove some unnecessary line breaks. 2016-11-24: Updaded geb. 2016-12-02: Added eri. Started regenerating USFM files without extra space after \v markers. 2016-12-26: Updated kqc. 2017-03-09: Updated engerv. 2017-03-16: Updated kqc. 2017-03-17: Updated sbe. 2017-05-03: Regenerated all Scripture files, this time with a bug fixed that was causing WordML files to not get posted. 2017-05-16: Added ksj. 2017-06-13: Removed khm and khm-h pending takedown request investigation. 2017-08-19: Updated tpa. Regenerated all files with updated Haiola. 2017-08-31: Updated wed, tuc-t. 2017-09-01: Updated som, mna. 2017-09-03: Updated mpx. 2017-09-06: Updated pma OSIS & Sword. 2017-09-16: Added asmfb. 2017-10-10: Added bla. 2017-10-12: Updated copyright and permissions information for asmfb. 2017-10-24: Updated yap. 2017-10-28: Added kos. 2017-10-30: Updated eng-web*. 2017-11-03: Updated metadata for asm. Added ben2017. 2017-11-04: Added hin2017. 2017-11-07: Added rug. 2017-11-08: Added apb. 2017-11-10: Added aia and bvd. 2017-11-13: Added bgt. 2017-11-14: Added far and kwf. Updated eng-web*. 2017-11-17: Added ntu. 2017-11-18: Added lgl. 2017-11-20: Updated eng-web*. 2017-11-23: Updated deu1912, spaRV1909, and eng-web*. 2017-11-25: Updated klt. 2017-11-28: Added urd, pan, and ory. Updated asm. 2017-12-03: Updated eng-web*, eng-rv. Removed some translations that are not open access licensed and not fully hosted on from the distribution list. 2017-12-05: Added tel2017. 2017-12-07: Updated asm. 2017-12-08: Added kan2017. Corrected error (wrong 1 John) in tel2017. 2017-12-09: Updated ory. 2017-12-13: Corrected error in 1 John short name in tel2017. Added mar. 2017-12-14: Added mal and guj. 2017-12-19: Updated eng-web*, eng-LXX2012, eng-uk-lxx2012, and eng-rv. 2017-12-22: Added yap NT and urt. 2017-12-27: Updated hboWLC. 2018-01-02: Updated eng-web*. 2018-01-06: Updated eng-web*. 2018-01-02: Updated metadata on aia, bvd, bgt, far, nlg, kwd, kwf, ntu, rug, apb, and lgl. 2018-01-07: Added engfbv. 2018-01-08: Added spm, gai, kql, mdyeth, ndj, nnq, ngp 2018-01-09: Added fuf, urw. 2018-01-10: Updated susa, sus. Added ziw. 2018-02-14: Updated eng-web*. 2018-02-20: Updated eng-web*. 2018-02-26: Updated apr audio and added Android apps. 2018-02-28: Added spavbl. 2018-03-06: Updated engfbv and spavbl. 2018-03-07: Updated hin2017. 2018-03-08: Updated mal, eng-web*. 2018-03-10: Updated eng-rv, eng-web*. 2018-03-24: Updated eng-web*. 2018-03-28: Updated eng-asv, eng-rv, eng-web*. 2018-04-07: Updated eng-web*. 2018-04-14: Updated eng-web*. 2018-04-17: Updated hin2017, asmfb. 2018-04-24: Updated xnn, mvn. 2018-04-29: Updated eng-web*. 2018-05-03: Updated ben2017, pan. 2018-05-04: Updated ory, eng-web*, guj2017. 2018-05-09: Updated kan2017. 2018-05-10: Updated mal. 2018-05-15: Updated tam2017, tam2008. 2018-05-18: Updated tel2017. 2018-05-20: Updated eng-web*. 2018-06-03: Updated eng-web*. 2018-06-05: Updated eng-web*. 2018-06-07: Initiated rebuild of all modules to make all HTML outputs, including Browser Bible 3 modules, more XML compatible. 2018-06-19: Updated eng-web*. Rebuilt all modules to make Sword modules more compatible with old Sword engines. 2018-07-06: Updated spavbl (corrected one missing space). 2018-07-08: Updated engDRA. 2018-07-09: Updated eng-asv, eng-web*. 2018-07-13: Updated mpx. 2018-07-15: Updated emi. 2018-08-07: Added engnet. 2018-08-10: Updated eng-kjv, eng-kjv2006 (restored Strong's numbers); updated eng-web*. 2018-08-15: Added kvg. 2018-08-21: Updated kvg (changed cover image). 2018-08-24: Added some Strong's numbers to eng-glw. 2018-08-25: Updated eng-web*. 2018-08-26: Added some Strong's numbers to eng-asv, eng-web. Separated engwmb and engwmbb from eng-web dependency and declared engwmb text stable. 2018-08-28: Corrected some Strong's numbers problems in eng-kjv, eng-kjv2006. Added rmyGurbet. Added some Strong's numbers to eng-rv, engfbv, engwmb, and engwmbb. 2018-08-30: Added some Strong's numbers to engDBY, engBBE, engDRA, engoebcw, and engoebus. Added rmyArli, rmyChergash, and ronBayash. 2018-08-31: Added some Strong's numbers to engerv, eng-t4t, and spavbl. 2018-09-02: Added grcmt. 2018-09-06: Added spabes. 2018-09-11: Added over 8,000 more Strong's number tags to eng-web*. Added Strong's number tags to spabes and more Strong's number tags to spavbl. Added portft. 2018-09-20: Added uli. 2018-09-22: Updated chk. Removed Strong's number tags from spabes for error correction. 2018-10-19: Added Psalms to engfbv. 2018-10-23: Updated ton, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, and ronBayash. 2018-10-24: Added polubg. 2018-10-30: Updated spabes (added Genesis and Exodus). 2018-11-09: Updated emi, azb. 2018-11-11: Added srp1865. 2018-11-12: Added enggnv. 2018-11-13: Added engjps. 2018-11-14: Added ces1613. 2018-11-15: Added deuelo, deu1951. 2018-11-16: Updated spavbl license text. 2018-11-17: Updated some metadata, supplying language name in vernacular where missing, and regenerated HTML pages with link to for each one. 2018-11-27: Updated asmfb, ben2017, guj2017, hin2017. 2018-11-29: Updated kan2017. 2018-11-30: Updated mal, mar, ory, pan, tam2017, tel2017. 2018-12-04: Updated spabes (added Leviticus). 2018-12-11: Updated tnk. Removed ape, as it is a duplicate of aon. 2018-12-15: Added engnasb for BrowserBible access only (due to copyright permission limitations). 2018-12-17: Added khm, khm-h, spaLBLA, and spanblh to BrowserBible only (due to copyright permission limitations). 2018-12-19: Added deutkw, arbtma. 2018-12-20: Added ukr1871, ukr1996, upv, lww, bki. 2018-12-21: Added vie1934. 2018-12-22: Corrected one Strong's number markup error in engnet. 2018-12-26: Updated eng-web*. Added hlt. 2019-01-08: Removed vie1934 pending copyright claim investigation. 2019-01-10: Removed ceskms per copyright owner request. The original source for this was DBS, and the copyright owner denies having given them permission to post it under a creative commons license. 2019-01-11: Updated spabes (added Numbers, Deuteronomy; minor edits to Proverbs). 2019-01-12: Updated spabes (added Joshua). 2019-01-21: Added Judges to spabes. 2019-02-14: Added Joshua, Ruth, 1 Samuel, and 2 Samuel to spabes. Updated rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, and ronBayash. 2019-02-15: Updated spabes. 2019-02-26: Added audio for eng-webbe. Added 1 Kings & updated Proverbs in spabes. Restored vie1934 NT only. 2019-03-05: Added 2 Kings to spabes. Regenerated redistributable files to add the file format. 2019-03-14: Updated rmyChergash, ronBayash, eng-t4t. 2019-03-30: Updated lbb. 2019-04-02: Removed bwd due to a problem with translation accuracy. Added books to kwq. 2019-04-03: Added wro. 2019-04-06: Added nld1939. Updated spabes. 2019-04-12: Added Esther to spabes. 2019-04-23: Added gup, rop. 2019-04-26: Added wbp, ulk, nys. 2019-04-30: Updated spabes, ton. 2019-05-05: Updated ronBayash. 2019-05-07: Added NEH to spabes. 2019-05-11: Updated eng-web*. 2019-05-12: Updated eng-web*. 2019-05-14: Udated ronBayash, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet. Added gvn, aly, amx, bvr, aer, gnn, mwp. 2019-05-15: Added ntj, nuy, are, wim, wmt, tcs. 2019-05-16: Updated nld1939. 2019-05-17: Updated wro, wbp, bvr, amx. 2019-05-21: Updated spabes. 2019-05-24: Added gia, mph, dhg, dhgduwadha, nay. 2019-05-25: Updated eng-web*. 2019-05-28: Added Genesis to uvl. 2019-05-30: Added dwy. 2019-05-31: Added Job to spabes. Updated eng-web*. 2019-06-04: Updated eng-web*. 2019-06-07: Updated eng-web*. 2019-06-08: Updated eng-web*. 2019-06-09: Updated eng-web*. 2019-06-13: Added engULB. 2019-06-14: Added pjt, dji, djr. Updated dhg. 2019-06-19: Updated eng-web*. 2019-06-21: Updated eng-web* (Acts). 2019-06-22: Updated eng-web* (Romans). 2019-06-23: Updated eng-web*. 2019-06-24: Updated eng-web* (1 Corinthians). 2019-06-25: Updated eng-web* (2 Corinthians, 1 Timothy, 1 Peter). 2019-06-26: Updated eng-web* (Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Sirach), amx, aly. 2019-06-27: Updated eng-web* (Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 2 Timothy), bvr. 2019-06-28: Updated eng-web* (Titus, Philemon, Hebrews). 2019-07-01: Updated eng-web* (James-Revelation, Psalms). 2019-07-02: Added engPEV. Updated eng-web* (Psalms, Proverbs), mph, ntj, nys, pjt, tcs. 2019-07-04: Updated eng-web* (1 Kings), rop, spabes. 2019-07-06: Updated spabes (SNG). 2019-07-07: Updated eng-web* (1 Kings). 2019-07-08: Corrected posting of djr. 2019-07-09: Updated eng-web*. 2019-07-10: Updated eng-web* (2 Kings, Haggai, Sirach) 2019-07-11: Updated eng-web*. 2019-07-12: Updated spabes (ISA), eng-web* (1 Chronicles). 2019-07-16: Updated eng-web* (1 Chronicles). 2019-07-17: Updated eng-web* (2 Chronicles). 2019-07-18: Updated engnet, eng-web* (2 Chronicles). 2019-07-18: Updated eng-web* (2 Chronicles, Ezra). 2019-07-22: Updated eng-web* (Nehemiah, Esther, Job), rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash. 2019-07-23: Updated eng-web* (Job, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah). 2019-07-23: Updated eng-web* (Isaiah, Jeremiah). 2019-07-25: Updated fraLSG. 2019-07-26: Updated eng-web* (Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel). 2019-07-27: Updated ikkNT, ikwNT, atgNT, ninNT, kdlNT, tswNT; updated eng-web* (Ezekiel). 2019-08-06: Updated eng-web* (Ezekiel). 2019-08-08: Updated eng-web* (Ezekiel); updated engPEV (text & audio), amx (audio), spabes (Jeremiah and Lamentations). 2019-08-09: Updated eng-web* (Ezekiel, Jonah, and Joel). 2019-08-09: Updated eng-web* (Daniel and Hosea). Updated ikkNT, ikwNT, atgNT, ninNT, kdlNT, and tswNT metadata. 2019-08-11: Added khs. 2019-08-12: Updated eng-web* (Amos, Micah, and Nahum). 2019-08-12: Updated eng-web* (Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Zechariah, Malachi, and Sirach). 2019-08-16: Updated eng-web* (Judith). 2019-08-18: Updated eng-web* (Judith). 2019-08-19: Updated eng-web* (Judith, ESG, Sirach). 2019-08-21: Updated eng-web* (Wisdom, Sirach). Added yij, dif, wrk, and mpj. 2019-08-22: Updated eng-web* (Wisdom, Sirach). 2019-08-23: Updated eng-web* (Sirach). 2019-08-24: Updated eng-web* (Sirach, DAG). 2019-08-25: Updated eng-web* (Sirach). 2019-08-26: Updated eng-web* (Sirach). 2019-08-27: Updated eng-web* (Sirach). 2019-08-28: Updated eng-web* (Sirach), rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, and ronBayash. Added gue, jao. 2019-08-29: Updated eng-web* (Sirach). Added met. 2019-08-30: Updated eng-web* (Sirach). 2019-08-31: Updated eng-web* (Sirach). 2019-09-01: Updated eng-web* (DAG). 2019-09-02: Updated eng-web* (DAG, Baruch). 2019-09-03: Updated eng-web* (Baruch). 2019-09-05: Updated eng-web* (1MA). 2019-09-07: Updated eng-web* (1MA). 2019-09-08: Updated eng-web* (1MA). Updated engwmb and engwmbb. 2019-09-09: Updated eng-web* (1MA). Updated smkNT metadata. 2019-09-10: Updated eng-web* (1MA). 2019-09-11: Updated eng-web* (1MA, 2SA). Updated engwmb and engwmbb. 2019-09-12: Updated eng-web* (1MA). 2019-09-13: Updated eng-web* (2MA). 2019-09-14: Updated eng-web* (2MA, 2SA). 2019-09-17: Updated ulk (metadata), spabes (EZK). 2019-09-18: Updated eng-web* (2MA). 2019-09-19: Updated eng-web* (1KI, 2MA). Updated engwmb & engwmbb (1KI). 2019-09-20: Updated eng-web* (2MA). 2019-09-21: Updated eng-web* (2MA). 2019-09-23: Updated eng-web* (2MA). 2019-09-24: Updated eng-web* (2MA, 1ES). 2019-09-25: Updated engASV (metadata). 2019-09-26: Updated eng-web* (1ES). 2019-09-27: Added engwyc2017, engwyc2018. Updated eng-web* (1ES). 2019-10-02: Updated spabes (DAN). 2019-10-03: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, engwmbb (1ES, 1KI, 2KI). 2019-10-04: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, engwmbb (1ES, ISA). 2019-10-05: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, engwmbb (1ES, 2KI). 2019-10-06: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, engwmbb (1ES, 2KI). 2019-10-07: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, engwmbb (1ES, 3MA, 2KI). 2019-10-08: Updated eng-web* (3MA), spabes (HOS). 2019-10-08: Updated eng-web* (3MA, 2ES), spabes (JOL). 2019-10-13: Updated spabes (AMO, OBA, JON, MIC), eng-web* (2ES). 2019-10-16: Updated eng-web* (2ES). 2019-10-21: Updated eng-web* (2ES). Added engylt. 2019-10-23: Updated eng-web* (2ES). Added engwebster and engtnt. Updated all of spabes, which is now complete! 2019-10-24: Updated eng-web* (2ES). 2019-10-25: Updated eng-web* (2ES). Added englee, engnoy, and hat. 2019-10-26: Updated eng-web* (2ES). Added dan1931. 2019-10-28: Updated eng-web* (2ES). 2019-10-30: Updated eng-web* (2ES). 2019-10-31: Updated eng-web* (2ES). 2019-11-01: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, engwmbb (NEH, 2ES). 2019-11-02: Updated eng-web* (2ES). 2019-11-05: Updated eng-web* (2ES, 4MA). Added uigpin. 2019-11-07: Updated eng-web* (4MA). 2019-11-09: Updated eng-web* (4MA). 2019-11-10: Updated eng-web* (4MA, 1MA). 2019-11-12: Updated eng-web* (1MA). Regenerated uigpin. 2019-11-13: Updated eng-web* (1MA). 2019-11-14: Added uigara, uigcyr, and uiglat. Updated uigpin. 2019-11-16: Updated eng-web* (1MA). Regenerated uigara, uigcyr, uiglat, and uigpin. Updated hin2010 (Psalm titles). Updated engDBY (one typo). 2019-11-17: Updated eng-web* (1MA). 2019-11-19: Updated eng-web* (1MA). 2019-11-20: Updated eng-web* (1MA). Updated kmg (added OT). 2019-11-21: Updated kmg (completed Revelation). 2019-11-22: Updated eng-web* (1MA). Updated kmg (added missing parts of NT). 2019-11-23: Updated kmg (fixed reference hot links). 2019-11-26: Updated eng-web* (1MA). 2019-11-27: Updated eng-web* (1MA). 2019-11-28: Updated eng-web* (2MA). 2019-12-03: Updated metadata for uigara, uigcyr, uiglat, and uigpin. 2019-12-05: Updated spabes (JHN, GAL). 2019-12-06: Updated eng-web* (2MA). 2019-12-07: Updated eng-web* (2MA). 2019-12-10: Added beo. 2019-12-11: Updated eng-web* (2MA). 2019-12-13: Updated beo. Updated eng-web* (2MA). 2019-12-14: Added mkj. Updated eng-web* (2MA), eng-t4t, met, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2019-12-15: Added epo. 2019-12-17: Updated eng-web* (2MA), mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2019-12-18: Updated eng-web* (2MA, 1ES), rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. Added ita1927. 2019-12-19: Added heb. Updated eng-web* (1ES), mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2019-12-20: Updated eng-web* (1ES). 2019-12-21: Updated eng-web* (2ES). 2019-12-24: Updated eng-web* (2ES). 2019-12-29: Updated eng-web* (2ES), engwmb, engwmbb (DEU Sion->Zion), mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. Added zaj. 2019-12-30: Updated msy, bel, gai, ruf, dwrNT, ind, cwe, mgh, kde. Added rmc, mgw, kqa, mwe, swe. 2019-01-01: Updated poy, taw. 2019-01-02: Updated eng-web* (2ES, RUT), engwmb, engwmbb (RUT lie/lay/laid), mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. Added sanben, sanasm, sanbur, sancol, sanguj, santam, santam, sanhk, sanitr, sankhm, sanmal, sanari, sanpun, sansin, santel, santha, santib, sanias, saniso, sanvel, sandev, and sanurd. (The additions are the Sanskrit New Testament in 22 different writing systems.) 2019-01-03: Updated eng-web* (2ES), rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2019-01-05: Updated eng-web* (2ES). 2019-01-06: Updated eng-web* (2ES). 2019-01-07: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb with the final queued up change suggestions. Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. Added thd, piu2006. 2019-01-08: Updated eng-web* (one typo correction in 2ES). 2019-01-09: Updated eng-asv. 2019-01-10: Updated eng-asv, eng-Brenton. 2019-01-12: Updated eng-webbe, engwmb, and engwmbb ("the" in Psalm 91:9). 2020-01-17: Updated rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-01-17: Updated asmfb (numerals). 2020-01-21: Updated eng-Brenton. 2020-01-24: Updated asmfb. 2020-01-25: Updated ben2017, kan2017, mar, pan, tam2017, tel2017, urd. 2020-02-06: Updated asmfb, ben2017, guj2017, hin2017, kan2017, mal, mar, ory, pan, tam2017, tel2017, thaKJV, tel2017, and urd. 2020-02-07: Updated heb. 2020-02-10: Updated asmfb, ben2017, guj2017, hin2017, kan2017, mal, mar, ory, pan, tam2017, tel2017, tel2017, and urd. 2020-02-11: Updated nss. 2020-02-13: Updated epo. 2020-02-21: Updated mpp. 2020-03-13: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (typo in Lam 4:9). Added grcbrent and englxxup. Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-03-20: Added kky. 2020-03-27: Added grctr. 2020-03-31: Updated gubBl, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari, and eng-asv. (The eng-asv update was just an umlaut in Mark 5:22.) 2020-04-01: Rebuilt files. 2020-04-05: Added engemtv. 2020-04-07: Added nna and engnna. 2020-04-09: Added engoke. Updated ind, cwe, mal, mgw, mwe, ory, and swe. 2020-04-10: Updated eng-web*, eng-wmb, eng-wmbb (capitalization issue in Amos 8:5), eng-rv, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-04-11: Updated eng-web*, eng-wmb, eng-wmbb (capitalization issue in Rom. 9:28; missing word in 1SA 17:50). 2020-04-12: Updated ces1613. 2020-04-14: Updated engPEV audio. Updated eng-asv (Nicolaus > Nicolaüs in Acts 6:5). 2020-04-15: Updated spabes. 2020-04-17: Updated spabes (Luke, John), eng-web* (Tobit 2:1,13; 5:3). 2020-04-22: Added hin2017 audio. Updated nys. 2020-04-23: Added 3gp audio to pjt. Corrected a typo in eng-lxx2012 and eng-uk-lxx2012. 2020-04-24: Updated wrs. 2020-04-28: Updated eng-web, eng-webbe, eng-web-c, and engwebpb (1 Samuel 3:9 in British editions, plus some minor typo corrections in Wisdom and Sirach). Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-04-30: Updated eng-web* (Judges 13:10 "," to "."). Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-05-01: Updated eng-web* (several missing spaces next to footnote markers). Updated eng-t4t, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-05-04: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (Missing single quote added in Jeremiah 16:10. Some footnote locations standardized in WIS.). Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-05-06: Updated spabes (Acts, Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians checked). 2020-05-12: Updated eng-web, eng-webbe, and eng-web-c (Typos corrected in SIR. Some footnote locations standardized in 1MA.). Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-05-22: Updated eng-web, eng-webbe, and eng-web-c (typos in BAR, 1MA). Updated glk metadata. 2020-05-31: Updated eng-web, eng-webbe, and eng-web-c (typos in 1MA, 2MA). Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-06-02: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (1PE 3:17 and typos in 2MA). Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-06-03: Updated eng-web* (Daniel 7:14, typos in 1ES, added some Strong's numbers to OT and NT), engwmb, engwmbb (Daniel 7:14, added some Strong's numbers). Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-06-05: Updated spabes (checking in the NT; added some Strong's numbers). Updated eng-web, eng-webbe (markup in 1 Esdras). 2020-06-09: Added cebulb. Updated eng-web* (2ES, 3MA). 2020-06-11: Added iloulb, tglulb, npiulb, & swhulb. Updated eng-web, eng-webbe (2ES). Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-06-12: Updated spabes (PHP, JAS-REV). 2020-06-15: Updated engPEV (added Colossians audio). 2020-06-21: Updated eng-webbe, engwmbb (Psalm 26:1). 2020-06-26: Added tczchongthu draft. 2020-06-29: Updated tczchongthu. 2020-07-03: Updated nuy. Added ita1885, engf35, grcf35, engkjvcpb. 2020-07-04: Updated engkjvcpb. 2020-07-06: Added amo. 2020-07-07: Added dov. 2020-07-09: Added Strong's numbers to hlt. Corrected scan error in eng-rv Psalm 85:11. 2020-07-10: Updated spabes (Genesis & Exodus). 2020-07-14: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (Genesis 49:23). Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-07-15: Updated cmn-ncvt. 2020-07-17: Updated grcmt, englxxup. 2020-07-19: Updated eng-webbe, engwebpb, engwmb, and engwmbb (2CH 30:18). 2020-07-22: Added jid. 2020-07-23: Added wol2010, wolKYG. 2020-07-24: Updated hlt. 2020-07-29: Updated aaz, eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (Num 7:30 spoon->ladle for consistency in WEB+WMB) 2020-07-31: Updated aly, dhg, nys, amx, eng-lxx2012, eng-uk-lxx2012, kiz, isn, and jni. 2020-08-04: Updated arb-vd. 2020-08-05: Updated eng-asv, eng-rv. 2020-08-06: Updated eng-lxx2012, eng-uk-lxx2012, engPEV. 2020-08-07: Added some Strong's numbers to spavbl. 2020-08-10: Updated spabes (LEV, NUM, DEU checked). 2020-08-11: Updated cmnNCVs, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-08-14: Added gux and guxg. 2020-08-17: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmb (John 11:11 and BAR 4:7). Updated spavbl, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-08-18: Added sbs. 2020-08-23: Updated engfbv and spavbl. 2020-08-27: Added kjn. 2020-08-29: Added 1 Timothy audio to engPEV. 2020-08-30: Updated engasv (Exodus 17:16 capitalization of "and"). 2020-09-01: Updated turev. 2020-09-03: Updated eng-lxx2012, eng-uk-lxx2012 (ECC 3:18). Added zgam. 2020-09-05: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (EZK 24:25 missing t) 2020-09-08: Updated eng-web ParallelGospels.pdf. 2020-09-09: Updated eng-web, eng-webbe, eng-web-c (2ES 10:54 typo correction). Updated eng-lxx2012, eng-uk-lxx2012 (Psalm 23, 100, 108, 128 header/verse 1). Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-09-14: Updated mgc, eng-Brenton, spavbl, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-09-17: Updated hlt (Strong's numbers & Words of Jesus), engPEV (Mark audio). 2020-09-19: Updated hltmcsb. 2020-09-23: Updated spabes (Joshua, Judges, Ruth) 2020-09-24: Added cekak. Updated hltmcsb. 2020-10-10: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (Gen 24:12, Gen 35:2); updated kos, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-10-13: Added englsv, mya. Updated hlt. 2020-10-14: Added myajvb. Added preface, introduction, and a few more Strong's numbers to englsv. Updated the Parallel Bible documents for the World English Bible. 2020-10-15: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (added some Strong's numbers; removed a spurious "The" in Exodus 32:11 in the British editions and WMB). 2020-10-23: Updated eng-kjv (3 typos in 2MA). 2020-10-24: Updated eng-rv (typo in Job 11:6). 2020-10-31: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (noted textual variant in MAT 1:6). 2020-11-04: Updated spabes (1SA, 2SA, 1KI). 2020-11-06: Added sbk. 2020-11-09: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (Deu 21:8, 28:49); updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2020-11-10: Added hlt2013, wbi. 2020-11-11: Added agr, due, duo, esg, arq, aeb, luc, prq, auu, apb, ifb, big2013, car, bbr2013, ino2013, ayz, mgh2016, mim, kud2014. Updated akh, apyNT, ind, geb, sus, susa, swe, zaj. 2020-11-12: Added gri. Updated eng-kjv and eng-lxx2012 (typo in Baruch 1:8). 2020-11-14: Added aeu, ifa, cko, any, arz, ayh, avu. 2020-11-16: Updated eng-web, engwmb, and engwmbb (Jdg 5:2; 7:16; Gal 5:13). Added miy, bfd, bdh, bcc, bccl, bmo, bcw, bqj, bjn, bno, bim, bib, bzi, bor, sbl, plw, bwu, bds, kyb, mcu, ram, cam, cmo, cmok, sml, syb, cje, crl. 2020-11-17: Added crj, cul, daf, dnj, ntr, des, div, mbd, did, dyi. 2020-11-18: Added bru, xrb, frd, flr, gdg, acd, nyf, gqr, gde, zpg, rub, gvr, gwr, hre, var, dud, ibl, ivb, ifu, iqw, mbi, isd, nhx, ivv, izz, jaa, jib, dyu, bex, ksp, kkj, kqe, kqew, krx, xsm, xtc, ify, kbo, kjl, kqp, krj, kog, kxw, kfc, kma, coe, ses, xuo, key, and kus. 2020-11-19: Added lbj, lhi, lro, brb, lik, loq, log, knb, lmd, lwo, mai, pmy, mgq, mmn, kby, mge, mta, kxf, mrr, mzr, mfh, mfy, mdm, mxv, tpx, mig. 2020-11-20: Added mif, moz, mur, moa, muh, naw, ndh, ndz, ndv, new, niy, and fuv. 2020-11-23: Added ncq, llu. 2020-11-24: Added dig. 2020-11-25: Added kyu. Updated eng-webbe, engwmb, and engwmbb (1SA 1:11 minor correction). 2020-11-30: Added snf, nod, xtn, nxl, nuq, udi, nwb, nyy, bsc, ury, nuj, sig, and pac. 2020-12-01: Added slm, pdc, pcm, tpp, ktj, pbb, qva, qvo, qxl, mnv, rol, sav, xsb, pps, trq, zpt, mza, cok, lip, slu, snw, set, xsr, nsu, sil, akp, sor, biv, ksc, nnw, wib, stb, syl, syll, syls, tbk, blt, tlj, thv, taq, tsg, ttq, ttqt, kdh, ted, bod, ifk, bov, uri, fad, cou, mfi, guc, and kyuk. 2020-12-02: Added lcp, fuh, suc, wob, yam, zae, and zpi. 2020-12-04: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (2 Corinthians 1:23, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings). 2020-12-08: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (capitalization of King as a title). Added 1TI & 2TI to aly. Added cth. 2020-12-09: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (typo correction in 1TH 3:6). 2020-12-11: Updated eng-lxx2012, eng-uk-lxx2012 (corrected typo in EZK 42:13). 2020-12-14: Updated hla. 2020-12-15: Updated engPEV. 2020-12-23: Updated hltthb, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari, mkj, thantv. 2020-12-24: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb ("Christ" in Acts 19:4). 2021-01-01: Added vie1934 Old Testament. 2021-01-05: Updated eng-Brenton, eng-LXX2012, eng-uk-LXX2012, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari, mkj, thantv. 2021-01-06: Updated uigara, uigcyr, uiglat, and uigpin. 2021-01-12: Updated spabes (1KI, 2KI, 1CH, 2CH, EZR). 2021-01-14: Updated spabes. Added sparvg. 2021-01-15: Updated spabes (NEH, EST). 2021-01-20: Updated deuelo (book names). Updated deu1912 (book names). Updated spabes (Job). 2021-01-22: Updated eng-asv (came->come in Acts 28:6). Updated eng-kjv (and and->and in ESG 13:11). 2021-01-30: Updated eng-webbe, engwmb, engwmbb (Psalm 73:28). Updated engPEV, mkj, spavbl,rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2021-02-02: Updated eng-webbe, engwmb, engwmbb (Psalm 104:24). Updated eng-t4t, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2021-02-07: Regenerated all projects to update epub css to work better with Nook e-ink displays. 2021-02-09: Updated ifb. Added engasvbt. 2021-02-10: Added tbf. 2021-02-11: Added bjz, gvs. 2021-02-15: Updated eng-webbe, engwmb, engwmbb (Isaiah 26). 2021-02-17: Added OT to msy. Updated englsv, mgc, swe, zaj. 2021-02-22: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (Jeremiah typo corrections + added one footnote to Daniel 3:25). Updated mkj, spavbl,rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2021-03-04: Updated engPEV, mkj, spavbl, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. Added blx. Restored msy 2004 as msy & renamed msy 2020 edition to msy2020. 2021-03-05: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (Typo corrections in Joel 1:19; 2:18). Updated eng-t4t. 2021-03-09: Corrected typo in eng-webbe license statement. Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (Typo corrections in Hab 3:19; Zep 1:17; Hag 1:12). 2021-03-17: Updated eng-web, eng-webbe, eng-web-c (typo corrections in Tobit and 2 Esdras). 2021-03-23: Updated eng-web, eng-webbe, eng-web-c (typo correction in ESG 4:37). 2021-03-24: Updated spabes (ECC, SNG, ISA, JER, LAM). 2021-04-02: Added tof. 2021-04-06: Added blr. 2021-04-09: Updated eng-web, eng-webbe, eng-web-c (typo corrections in Sirach). 2021-04-10: Added twi, ckb. 2021-04-13: Added aka, luo, swhonen, vieovcb, and yor. 2021-04-16: Updated eng-t4t, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2021-04-17: Updated eng-t4t. 2021-04-22: Updated eng-web, eng-webbe, engwebc (Baruch 4), kmu, grcmt, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari, and engPEV. 2021-04-22: Updated eng-web, eng-webbe, engwebc (1MA 1,2). 2021-04-29: Updated engPEV audio (2TI). 2021-05-03: Updated eng-web* (PSA 22:24; 1MA 11:68), engwmb, engwmbb, engasvbt, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2021-05-04: Updated bjr. 2021-05-05: Added mcr. 2021-05-06: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, engwmbb (Psalms 25:5; 85:13; 143:12; Joel 1:2; Numbers 24:20). Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. Added mle. 2021-05-07: Added okvh. 2021-05-08: Added tmd and apec. 2021-05-14: Updated tbg, eng-web* (2MA). 2021-05-16: Updated eng-web*, eng-wmb, eng-wmbb (2SA 1:21; NUM 23:23; MIC 1:13). Updated mkj, engasvbt, engPEV, grctr, eng-t4t. 2021-05-17: Updated eng-web, eng-webbe, and eng-web-c (1ES 5:18; 8:19; 8:38; 8:78; 9:39; 3MA 1:14; 2:22). Updated grctr and engasvbt. 2021-05-19: Updated engnet. 2021-05-20: Updated eng-web*, eng-wmb, eng-wmbb (ROM 8:4 consistency with ROM 8:1 + some corrections in 2ES); added grcsbl; updated uri. 2021-05-21: Updated eng-web* (2ES 9:39; 10:48; 11:16; 11:25; 13:20; 13:47; 14:17; 4MA 7:19; 15:2). Added beln. Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. Added some Strong's numbers to grctr and grcf35. 2021-05-25: Removed redundant grc_sblgnt (replaced by grcsbl) and added grcbyz. 2021-05-27: Updated tbg. 2021-05-31: Updated grctr (formatting). 2021-06-01: Updated bhg, sbe, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. Took down mzr at translators' request due to errors in translation. 2021-06-29: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, engwmbb (JON 2:10; DEU 32:27; JOB 12:9; PSA 24:8; 35:5,6; 47:5; 50:1; 93:4; 113:3; 125:5; PRO 20:12; ISA 38:11; 62:12; EZK 31:1; HOS 6:3; ZEC 10:1; ACT 4:26,28; JER 26:2-6). 2021-07-01: Updated spabes (EZK, DAN, HOS), engbrent (1SA 17), mya (metadata only). Updated eng-t4t, aka, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2021-07-06: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (JHN 8:59). Updated eng-t4t, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. Added ron1924. Updated spabes (JOL, AMO, OBA, JON, MIC, NAM, HAB, SEP, HAG, ZEC, MAL; completed consultant checking). 2021-07-08: Updated spabes (prepublication checks). Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2021-07-11: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (DEU 24:3). 2021-07-12: Updated myajvb (corrected some Strong's number markup). 2021-07-13: Updated sbe, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2021-07-20: Regenerated all projects to correct a USFM generation error affecting certain character styles that didn't get terminated properly in the output, like the \ior in the sbe Bible translation. 2021-08-07: Updated eng-lxx2012 and eng-uk-lxx2012 (corrected typo in Genesis 11:20). Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2021-08-08: Updated mkj (added Luke). 2021-08-13: Updated hlt. 2021-08-19: Updated eng-web, engwmb, and engwmbb (1CH 14:13). Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari, deu1912, and hlt. 2021-08-20: Updated eng-t4t. 2021-08-28: Updated ton. 2021-09-11: Added tdt. Updated englsv copyright permission information. Regenerated all WordML files to correct a not caller problem. 2021-09-12: Updated tczchongthu, uigara, uigcyr, uiglat, uigpin. 2021-09-21: Corrected a typo in engDRA in Luke 22:66. Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari. 2021-10-15: Updated HTML links to other formats in cmn2006, cmn-cu89s, cmn-cu89t, cmn-ncvs, and cmn-ncvt. 2021-10-17: Updated metadata for ukr1871, ukr1996. Corrected typo in 2CH 3:15 in eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb. Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2021-10-19: Started regeneration of all USFX files to correct an error where they have been failing to update on the Re-added yon, yrb. Updated eng-t4t. 2021-10-28: Updated eng-web* (1MA 5:22, JDT 8:7). Updated eng-lxx2012, eng-uk-lxx2012. Updated eng-rv (GEN 6:7). 2021-11-01: Updated metadata for bjvNT, daaNT, and kyuk. Added James Toebes audio to eng-web, engwebp, and eng-web-c. 2021-11-03: Updated eng-lxx2012, eng-uk-lx2012, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2021-11-04: Updated eng-lxx2012 and eng-uk-lx2012. 2021-11-06: Updated eng-lxx2012 and eng-uk-lx2012. 2021-11-11: Updated audio for aly. 2021-11-13: Updated audio for aoi, amx, bvr, dhgduwadha, dwy, engPEV, wrk, mwp, rop, mph, ntj, nna, nys, pjt, dhg, and nuy. 2021-11-16: Added lin, nya, ewe, hausa, hun, kik. 2021-11-18: Added polsz. 2021-11-24: Added adt Christmas Story, alh song book, kld Gospel tract, kux Christmas Story, wlg Christmas Story, djj Christmas Story. Updated aoi, kky, gue, mph, and dhg. Added engaoi, gupk. 2021-12-01: Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2021-12-07: Updated bjp. 2021-12-10: Updated amx and rop audio. Updated eng-web* + engwmb and engwmbb (punctuation in NUM 2 and ACT 15:17). 2021-12-22: Updated eng-web-c to be based on eng-webbe, which uses "LORD" or "GOD" instead of "Yahweh" to line up better with Roman Catholic church tradition as explained in (and which also lines up with Jewish tradition). This update also shifts the "Catholic" edition to use British/International spelling, as the greatest needs for a freely sharable digital English Bible in the Catholic tradition is outside of the United States of America. Americans should have no trouble with the few resulting spelling differences, like "neighbour" instead of "neighbor". 2021-12-30: Rebuilt all modules to correct a problem with the Sword module build in the last rebuild, which actually deleted modules from the repository rather than rebuilding them. Oops. 2021-12-31: Updated lug Crosswire Sword module. 2021-01-07: Updated kux. 2022-01-14: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (EXO 13:11). Updated Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2022-02-01: Updated Updated engvbl, spavbl, engf35, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (typo corrections in 2KI 6:27; 2KI 22:2; EST 4:6; JER 28:9). 2022-02-06: Added rough draft of porbrbsl. 2022-02-08: Added uvh. Corrected typo in eng-kjv, eng-kjv2006 (1JN 2:23). 2022-02-09: Added bjk. Rebuilt projects with Strong's numbers to correct Strong's number padding error in Haiola. 2022-02-10: Updated Strong's numbers in eng-kjv, eng-kjv2006. 2022-02-11: Updated bjk. 2022-02-12: Added Psalms to gfk. Added gfkh and gfks. Updated porbrbsl. 2022-02-24: Added frasbl. 2022-03-01: Updated porbrbsl. 2022-03-02: Updated gfk & gfkh (made references consistent). Updated spavbl, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2022-03-04: Updated eng-kjv, eng-kjv2006 (Red letters in Matthew 19:18). Updated spavbl, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2022-03-05: Updated gfks (made references consistent). Added kij. Updated kgpNT. Updated indags (added the rest of the New Testament). 2022-03-07: Updated indags (book names). 2022-03-09: Added porblt, porbr2018. Updated license on indags, spavbl, engfbv. 2022-03-10: Updated frasbl. 2022-03-11: Added lit draft. Shifted primary home for several translations to for better reliability and bandwidth. 2022-03-30: Updated copyright status (expired) for deu1951. 2022-03-31: Added spablm draft. Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (corrected typo in Rev. 21:16 footnote). Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2022-04-01: Updated spavbl. 2022-04-04: Updated spavbl, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2022-04-06: Updated spablm. 2022-04-07: Updated frasbl. 2022-04-11: Updated spablm. 2022-04-13: Updated lit, engPEV, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. Added ronlsb. 2022-04-15: Updated kpg. 2022-04-19: Updated adz, spablm, lit. 2022-04-25: Removed hwcNT at copyright owner's request; added hwc. 2022-05-05: Added urdgvh, urdgvr, urdgvu. 2022-05-06: Updated spablm, lit. 2022-05-24: Added hatbsa. 2022-05-28: Rebuilt all Bible translation output formats with an updated test version of Haiola. 2022-06-01: Added spapddpt. Updated eng-web*, eng-wmb, and eng-wmbb (corrected typos in MAT 23:7 and MRK 1:24). Updated tbzsim (OT Book Names). Updated lit, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, and ronludari. 2022-06-02: Added cmnfeb. Updated englsv. 2022-06-07: Updated eng-web* (typo in 1MA 9:14). Updated spapddpt. 2022-06-09: Updated spapddpt. 2022-06-10: Updated eng-t4t, vie1934, tczchongthu. 2022-06-13: Updated spapddpt. Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (elder->older in Job 32:4). 2022-06-14: Updated hatbsa, uigara, heb, gux. 2022-06-15: Updated spablm (inserted some Strong's numbers). 2022-06-16: Updated gux, eng-t4t. 2022-06-21: Updated eng-t4t (Job 40:22). Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari, anh, bsp, geb, spm, cwe, urw, gai, mwe, kdc, tod, kqa, msy, msy2020, kql, shj, zaj, mgc, yal, mgw, vid, msc, ziw, ndj, taw. 2022-06-28: Updated hatbsa, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari, nss, engPEV, tczchongthu. Added engtcent. 2022-07-01: Added grctcent. Updated engtcent, hatbsa, lit, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari, nss, sbe, lex, mpx. Reprocessed Strong's number insertion on engtcent, engasv, spavbl, eng-rv, engasvbt, englsv, grctcgnt, engPEV, grctr, grcsbl, engt4t, grcbyz, grcf35, grcsbl, hlt, spabes, spablm, sparvg, spavbl. 2022-07-03: Correted problem with ronludari. Corrected typo in 2ES 2:1 in eng-kjv. 2022-07-06: Updated engPEV audio. Updated hatbsa. 2022-07-07: Updated engnet, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari, acuNT, agr, tuoNT, and hatbsa. 2022-07-08: Updated lit. 2022-07-11: Updated eng-t4t, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari, grctr, nss, sbe, spavbl, engtcent, tczchongthu, lit, indags, and hatbsa. 2022-07-13: Updated engtcent, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari, spavbl, tczchongthu, lit, ronlsb, and hatbsa. 2022-07-15: Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari, engtcent, grctcgnt, ronlsb, and hatbsa. 2022-07-16: Updated spablm. 2022-07-18: Updated mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari, engtcent, grctcgnt, ronlsb, and hatbsa. 2022-07-19: Re-merged Strong's numbers into fraLSG, frasbl, spapddpt, spavbl, sparvg, engasvbt, engasv, engtcent, engPEV, grctcgnt, grcf35, grcsbl, grctr. 2022-07-20: Updated eng-kjv (typo correction in 2ES 7:12). Updated hatbsa, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari, engtcent, grctcgnt. Updated Strong's numbers in eng-asv, engasvbt, engerv, engf35, engfbv, englsv, engPEV, eng-rv, eng-t4t, fraLSG, frasbl, grcbyz, grcf35, grcsbl, grctr, spabes, spablm, sparvg. 2022-07-22: Updated tczchongthu, sbe, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari, engtcent, grctcgnt, spapddpt, nss, mpx, gvs, cmnfeb, hatbsa, tdt, frasbl, spablm, eng-kjv. 2022-07-25: Added Strong's numbers to fra_fob. Added francl. Updated frasbl (DAG title). 2022-07-26: Updated engPEV, hatbsa, gvs, mpx, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari, nss, spapddpt, sbe, engtcent, tczchongthu 2022-07-28: Rebuilt all projects. Updated engoebus and engoebcw. 2022-08-02: Rebuilt with new Strong's merge program and/or updated: frasbl, engPEV engtcent, spablm, hltmcsb, lit, probrbsl, ukr1996, urt, apwNT, arp, far, hatbsa, spabes, engoebcw, fra_fob, fraLSG, nys, tczchongthu, eng-rv, eng-t4t, grcsbl, grctcgnt, grctr, spapddpt, sparvg, spavbl, engasvbt, eng-asv, engerv, engf35, engfbv, eng-kjv, englsv, engoebus, engtcent, grcbyz, grcf35. 2022-08-04: Updated or rebuilt: frasbl, hatbsa, spablm, englsv, engtcent, grctcgnt, lit, porbrbsl, tczchongthu, gvs. 2022-08-08: Updated or rebuilt: frasbl, hatbsa, spablm, englsv, engtcent, gvs, lit, rmyArli. 2022-08-09: Updated hatbsa, mkj. 2022-08-10: Updated or rebuilt: frasbl, engPEW, engtcent, gvs, hatbsa, lit, porbrbsl, rmChergash, rmGurbet, spablm, tczchongthu. 2022-08-16: Updated or rebuilt: engtcent, grctcgnt, grctr, rmGurbet, spapddpt, tczchongthu, hatbsa, hltmcsb, lit, met, mkj, gvs. Corrected typo in 2ES 5:1 in eng-kjv. 2022-08-19: Added tteo, snx, wiv, kiw. Updated klt, hatbsa, engtcent, mkj, spapddpt, tczchongthu. 2022-08-21: Updated eng-web*: corrected typos in 2ES 1:37; 2ES 9:17 note; SIR 45:13; 2ES 2:47; 4MA 7:4. 2022-08-22: Updated hatbsa, hlt, tczchongthu. Corrected typo in SIR 31:24 in eng-web*. 2022-08-25: Updated hatbsa, spablm. 2022-08-26: Updated engtcent, grctcgnt, tczchongthu, hlt, met. 2022-09-02: Updated eng-t4t.2022-09-05: Updated hatbsa, tczchongthu, lit, rmyGurbet. Rebuilt all to correct output USFM nesting error and USFM level repetition error. 2022-09-06: Updated eng-web* glossary formatting only. Updated engoebcw, engtcent, hatbsa, lit, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, ronBayash, ronludari, and tczchongthu. 2022-09-13: Updated all PDF and WordML files. Active projects with live connections were updated, too. 2022-09-28: Updated eng-web* + engwmb + engwmbb (corrected typo in 2 Kings 4:23). 2022-10-04: Added John to etr. Updated engoebcw, rmyChergash, spapddpt. Updated PDFs for iqw, kpg. 2022-10-06: Updated spapddpt, hatbsa, engtcent, grctcent. 2022-10-08: Updated engPEV, grctcgnt, engtcent, gvs, lit, rmyArli, hatbsa, spapddpt. 2022-10-29: Updated tczchongthu, mjj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, dhg, gvs, hatbsa. 2022-10-30: Updated engPEV. 2022-11-01: Updated byx, hatbsa, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, spapddpt, spavbl, eng-kjv2006. (One space correction in eng-kjv2006 from who soever to whosoever.) 2022-11-02: Added grcsr. 2022-11-03: Updated hatbsa, spapddpt, engDRA, engPEV, mkj, adz, gvs, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet. 2022-12-28: Updated eng-web, engwebp, eng-web-c (Yahweh -> Yah in SNG 8:6 for consistency). Updated connected active projects. 2023-01-11: Updated spablm, mkj, rmyArli, rmyChergash, rmyGurbet, tdt, gvs, hatbsa, kbq. 2023-01-18: translations.csv now contains a field called sourceDate that indicates what was updated recently. Since that is automatic, and this file is updated manually, you should check that one, now, to see what is new. (Sort the spreadsheet by that date to make it easy.) 2023-01-21: Copyright of hwc transferred from WBT to HPBM. See translations.csv for other recent updates. 2023-02-17: Corrected typo in Ezra 5:4 in eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb. 2023-02-20: Corrected typo in Ezra 10:6 in eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb. 2023-02-28: Corrected typo in Nehemiah 11:22 in eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb. 2023-03-02: Corrected typo in Jeremiah 2:18 in eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb. 2023-03-07: Added tdx. 2023-03-26: Added deu-f35. 2023-03-28: Corrected typo in Isaiah 40:26 in eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb. 2023-04-03: Added ulk1902. 2023-04-07: Added ahr, omb, ena, bpx, benirv (replacing ben2017), benobcv, bhd, bht, bdv. 2023-04-08: Added bwo, bgg, dao, ceslb, dso, engbsb, fin, gmvggm. 2023-04-09: Added gofwftw, bgc, heblb, hincv, hoy. 2023-04-11: Corrected typo in eng-web* Baruch 6:11 The->They. Added ekkpkp. 2023-04-12: Corrected spelling of vigourous to vigorous in eng-webbe (EXO 1:9, PSA 38:19, 2MA 12:27, 4MA 7:10) and engwmb (EXO 1:9, PSA 38:19). Added deuelbbk. Updated guj2017. Added isl, ibo. 2023-04-13: Added juy, kanokcv, kxv. Updated kan2017. Added quctt, lbm, mni, unx, nag, nlx, nde. Updated mal, mdyeth. 2023-04-14: Added xnj, norlb, gaz, bfz, peg, pesopcb, rmc. Updated pan. 2023-04-15: Updated rmc. Added rmyservi, rmyvlakh, rmylovari, sch, sna, sby, tgj. 2023-04-19: Added tamtcv, tkr, tsn, tvt, twiasante, ukronpu, yao. Updated tam2017, tel2017, urd. Corrected ISO language code norlb -> noblb. 2023-04-24: Corrected typo in eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb: removed extra "s" from John 12:3. Updated gupk. Rebuilt translations with latest Haiola release candidate. 2023-04-26: Corrected typo in eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb in 2CH 3:15 heigh -> high. 2023-04-28: Added footnote to REV 13:1 in eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb. Added some audio files to engPEV and spablm. 2023-05-05: Added nce. 2023-05-25: Updated eng-t4t, eng-web*, engwmb, engwmbb, eng-lxx2012, and bco. Updated tgo. 2023-05-29: Updated adz (added JAS). 2023-06-07: Corrected minor translation issue in ISA 48:20 in eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb 2023-06-17: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (Corrected typo in 2ES 4:38 and punctuation issues in 2CH 32:11; JER 26:9; Jer 36:29; Job 6:22; JHN 12:34; MAT 23:18) 2023-06-26: Corrected typo in GEN 11:13 in eng-lxx2012. 2023-07-04: Corrected numerous missing capital letters after an opening quotation mark in eng-t4t. 2023-07-27: Updated dif, gnn, dji. 2023-07-28: Added dwuliv, gupmay, lrg. Updated djj. 2023-09-07: Updated etr, nyu. 2023-09-11: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (corrected typo in 1CH 11:23 footnote. Updated enq2. 2023-09-13: Updated eng-Brenton. Removed enq in favor of the better enq2. 2023-09-25: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (corrected typos in EZK 47:11 and DAN 4:26). 2023-10-09: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (corrected omission of "cattle" in REV 18:13). 2023-10-11: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (corrected omission of "far" in PRO 22:5). 2023-11-29: Added turytc. 2023-12-13: Restored indags. Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (conformed MAT 26:38 to the RP Greek Majority text. NO CHANGE IN MEANING.) 2024-01-03: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (corrected whoever -> whomever in EZK 23:7; conformed 1JN 2:23 and LUK 14:24 to RP MT). 2024-01-11: Split engwebu and engwebuk off from eng-web and eng-webbe. With these two, the Tetragrammaton is not avoided in footnotes, but both consistently use LORD or GOD in the main text. Corrected some typos in eng-lxx2012 and eng-uk-2012 (you has -> you have). 2024-01-15: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, and engwmbb (rolled back the change in 1Jn 2:23 based on better textual criticism information); Removed spurious "The" in PSA 89:8. Updated engwebu and engwebuk: rolled back 1JN 2:23; changed breast->chest when referring to the male chest; removed spurious "The" in PSA 89:8. Footnoted where "Yah" was rendered "LORD". Added several footnotes on LORD or GOD rendered from "Yahweh". 2024-01-27: Updated eng-web*, engwmb, engwmbb, and engwebu (corrected missing "of" in EZK 10:14). 2024-01-31: Added indayt. 2024-02-20: Updated all of eng-web*, engwmb, engwmbb, and engwebu except for the original eng-web, correcting "the Lord the LORD" to "the Lord GOD" and "the Lord, the LORD" to "the Lord, GOD". 2024-02-21: Added uro. Started rebuild with (hopefully) improved Strong's number tagging, at least with respect to the Tetragrammaton. 2024-03-12: Updated eng-lxx2012 and eng-uk-lxx2012. 2024-03-16: Added mkj ACTS. 2024-04-18: Starting roll-out of Android apps. Updated audio for hatbsa. Minor grammar correction in 1KI 3:23 in eng-web*. 2024-06-10: Updated arbnav. 2024-09-10: Took down alsSHQ pending investigation into copyright claims. Did copyright get extended when Albania joined the Berne Convention? If so, to whom? * eng-web* refers to all of eng-web, eng-webbe, engwmb (formerly eng-webme), and engwmbb (formerly eng-webbme). Starting on 2016-02-03, this also includes eng-web-c, engwebp, and engwebpb. After 2018-08-26, engwmb and engwmbb are excluded from this update list, and will be listed separately if updated.